Swimming Pool Builders Category

Saturday, September 2nd, 2023

Repairing Structural Cracks With Epoxy Injection

There are several ways to know if the cracks are due to the Structural defect or not.1. The crack makes a severe diagonal.2. If the crack that is horizontal indicates a serious problem.3. Width of the crack keeps on increasing with time.Still if you’re having doubt and are not able to make it up if the crack is due to structural defect than contact professional and let him fix it. If you find out that is a structural crack then it becomes important for repairing structural cracks as it can lead to severe damage if not taken proper care at the right time. Epoxy InjectionEpoxy injection is used for repairing the shrinkage crack structural crack. It is injected from inside of the basement, no digging is needed from outside. Epoxies are responsible for hardening and reinforcing the crack. They fill the crack from front to back and from bottom to top entirely. After injecting the water won’t get leaked out of the crack.Polyurethane InjectionAnother way to fill the cracks is polyurethane injection. It repairs the crack problem that has occurred in concrete wall. This foam is usually injected by a professional or a technician. This foam is a mixture of two components and they get mixed before they enter the crack. Urethane liquid goes in the crack; it starts making foam and starts to expand. The foam is responsible for driving out the water and forming a tight sealing on the concrete and helps in stopping water from leaking into the basement. This injection fills the crack entirely from top to bottom and also from start to the end, from front to end. There’s no possibility that water will enter in the crack again. By preventing the water to enter the crack, salts won’t get accumulated into the crack and hence, the foam and concrete bond won’t get broken. The time that takes to repair the crack is very less. This process is very quick, not too expensive and it is clean. All work is done from inside of the basement.

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023

Some Common Mistakes That Make Swimming Pools Non Compliant

Having a pool that complies with set regulations and standards is not hard. A pool safety inspection in Sydney will show you where you will need to improve, and you will be given enough time to rectify any issues that come up during an inspection.

To make your pool compliant, you need three key things:

  • A fence that is at least 2 metres high;
  • An automatic gate with a self-closing mechanism;
  • No openings in the perimeter of the fence (such as windows or doors).

These rules are there for good reason. Making your pool compliant is not hard, but it does require you to be vigilant about the safety of children and pets that may wander into the backyard or swim in it unsupervised. You need to prevent them from gaining access without supervision!

Some common issues that pool owners may overlook are:

  • Failing to comply with the Australian safety standards for pools – Failing to follow the safety standards for pools in Australia is not acceptable. Ensuring that you meet all of these requirements warrants that no one will get hurt and your pool gets classified as compliant with the law. If any changes need to be made, seek out a professional that can help you do this correctly and quickly.
  • Swimming pools must be at least 1.2 meters deep – Pool depths should be at least as deep as the tallest person who will be using it. This is to ensure that no one can drown in a pool. Non adherence to this regulation can mean that the pool is not compliant in Australia. The minimum depth of the pool must correspond to the length of the pool, so if it’s a 25-meter-long swimming pool, then it needs to be at least 3 meters deep.
  • Emergency exits and ladders – All pools need to have emergency exits and ladders that are easily accessible by anyone in an emergency situation so that it is easy for anyone in the pool to exit, including people with disabilities or children. This ensures that nobody drowns due to a lack of a quick escape route from the water. Swimming isn’t just about being able-bodied, it’s something everyone can enjoy!
  • A fence or barrier around the perimeter of the swimming area – Pool fencing should be at least a metre high so that nobody can accidentally wander into the pool area or fall in.
  • Failing to maintain a pool’s water clarity and cleanliness is also a very important factor for pool compliance, and could cause you to fail to meet the standards. Make sure that your pool has crystal clear waters at all times, and if there are any contaminants in the water (including dirt or anything else), get them out immediately so they don’t affect anyone using your pool. Make sure that your chlorine levels remain optimal throughout this process; too much chlorine can be just as dangerous as not enough, so make sure things stay balanced and keep people safe and healthy while enjoying their time in your swimming pool!
  • Owning an above ground or unenclosed pool that is not properly secured – Above ground pools or unenclosed pools that are not properly secured can be dangerous for children and other people that come into contact with the pool. This is because these types of pools allow access to small children or animals who may fall in, get stuck inside it (and risk drowning) or otherwise hurt themselves by playing around them without supervision.
  • Having more than 4 people in the pool at any one time without supervision from a trained lifeguard – Having large gatherings in the pool may sound fun and exciting but, as with any other activity that carries a certain degree of risk (such as driving or crossing roads), there are limitations on who can be present in the pool without supervision from trained lifeguards.
  • Allowing children under 5 years old to use the pool without adult supervision – Children at no point should be allowed to use a pool without adult supervision. This is to prevent them from drowning and other possible accidents that may occur when children are left unattended.

Proper compliance with pool safety regulations is one of the best ways to enjoy your summer without worry. If you own a swimming pool, make sure it’s compliant with Australian standards so that you can stay safe this season, by getting a regular pool safety inspection in Sydney.